Develop a Strong Accountable Team

Delegate To Achieve Business Success

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Effective Management Team

all race hands together

Behind every successful business owner is a strong, accountable team. After all, you can't do everything on your own, although over the years we have seen many business owners try! Your responsibility as a business owner / director is to take care of long-term and strategic matters. To do this you need an effective management team to look after the day-to-day running of the business. But building your perfect team isn’t as easy as it sounds. It takes planning, time, trust and patience. Thankfully, Secantor has decades of experience in getting the very best out of people. We’ll help you to build a strong team that takes responsibility for delivering excellent business performance freeing you up to build long-term value in your business.

How to Build a Successful Management Team

All employees working together in a team

Here are some of the ways Secantor will help you build a successful management team:

Select the right team - Developing accountability in your team will only be a success if you select the right people. It’s likely that you already have great people in your team who are keen to develop and take on more responsibility. We can help validate this for you by providing our independent assessment. We’ll help you make a plan of all the tasks and responsibilities that you want to delegate and turn these into clear job descriptions. We’ll also help you select the best individual for each role whether that’s an internal appointment or recruitment of fresh talent from outside your business.

Set Clear Expectations – A common failing amongst business owners is not setting clear expectations with staff. We’ll help you describe each role with a clear job description so each member of your team clearly understands their responsibilities. We’ll also help you set SMART targets for both teams and individuals and communicate these so everyone is clear what they are accountable for.


Develop Management Skills – Secantor has decades of experience in people management. Our executives will help you and your management team to become more effective leaders. We’ll mentor and guide you in key areas such as: recruitment & selection; setting goals; performance management; and staff development. Where there are specific management skills gaps, we have access to first-class training provision to address specific needs.

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Manage Individual Performance – You management team needs feedback on its performance in order to continually improve. We’ll start by helping you put the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in place. Next we’ll help you measure individual performance against these objectively using data to keep things factual rather than based on opinions. Our experienced executives can mentor you and your management team on the most effective methods of performance management with staff including celebrating and rewarding excellence and improving under-performance through supporting staff with clear expectations, guidance and training.

Let go! - Many business owners find it hard to let go. After all, you were probably doing these tasks before you delegated them so it can be hard to believe that anyone else can do them as well as you. But if you want to see your team develop you need to stop micro-managing and allow staff the space to find their own feet. Our support will put your team in the best possible place to succeed and we will help you hold them to account as well as challenging you if you step back in unnecessarily.

“Secantor has made a world of difference - we are now in control. It's a very cost effective way for us to have high level management and strategic help”

Helen Pattinson, Co-Founder Montezumas Chocolates



The ability to generate profits is central to the success of any business. Download your free guide now to learn 10 ways you can increase the profitability of your business.

Ingredient of Business Success

A strong accountable management team is an essential ingredient of a growing business and a certain route to a successful business exit. It will increase the value of your business, give you the time and space to deal with strategic matters and improve your work / life balance. Secantor has been helping business owners to develop accountable management teams for two decades. Book a call with one of our team to see how we can help you build your perfect team.

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Talk to us about your business goals


Paul Gibbins Secantor

Paul Gibbins

Use the calendar to instantly book a 30-minute online meeting with Paul to share your story and find out:

  • How we can help you achieve your business goals

  • How you can improve the value of your business

  • And get useful, actionable tips & advice

Free Business Review

No two businesses are the same. This is why we offer a free business review. We can arrange an initial chat with one of our experts to get things started. Then a couple of our team members will visit you to listen to the story of your business. From this meeting, we’ll be able to provide you with some interesting insights into your business from our independent experience. This will allow you to see how we work and help us to select the right expert for your business. Contact us to book a free consultation.

Why not read one of our short case studies to learn about Secantor's impact.

“We will never forget your huge contribution to Montezuma’s and your constant support, encouragement and all the board room laughs. Thank you for everything!” - Helen Pattinson, MD & Co-founder of Montezuma’s Chocolates

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Our Services

Secantor provides expert financial and management support to SME owners and directors. Our commercially experienced team covers the following roles



Strategic support and experience to guide you as you make decisions and build value in your business. A NED acts as a sounding-board for your ideas, improves business performance, holds you and your team to account and helps you achieve a successful exit

  • ✓ Strategic business planning

    ✓ Support strategic decision-making

    ✓ Set business goals and objectives

    ✓ Rejuvenate struggling businesses

    ✓ Manage growth effectively

    ✓ Implement best practice

    ✓ Sounding board for your ideas

    ✓ Set and communicate vision

    ✓ Hold you & your team to account

    ✓ Build an effective management team


Expert financial leadership from a commercially experienced, qualified accountant. An FD will create financial plans, report your monthly performance against budget and interpret the figures to help you make sound decisions & improve profitability

  • ✓ Expert financial advice

    ✓ Interpret financial results a support decisions

    ✓ Develop & oversee your finance team

    ✓ Improve profitability & control costs

    ✓ Prepare management accounts

    ✓ Create 3-5 year financial plan

    ✓ Budget setting

    ✓ Source appropriate funding

    ✓ Cashflow forecasting & management

    ✓ Prepare reports & commentaries for your bank


Strategic operational leadership to transform your people and business processes to improve efficiency and profitability. A Operations Director helps you build a strong management team, delegate operational actions and improve business performance

  • ✓ Develop strength in your management team

    ✓ Establish key performance indicators (KPIs)

    ✓ Hold people accountable to achieve results

    ✓ Process and quality improvement

    ✓ Help you delegate effectively

    ✓ Create clear job descriptions

    ✓ Identify and recruit talent

    ✓ Implement robust operational systems

    ✓ Establish clear goals and expectations

    ✓ Enable your team to achieve excellence



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What Makes a Successful SME Business?

Over the last 20 years, Secantor has helped hundreds of SME businesses to fulfil their potential.

In this short guide we showcase the essential practices that all successful owners & directors should adopt.

